Yes, We Won! #3

The last National Action Event (NAE) brought a couple of good news for AMSA-Undip!

For the very first time, AMSA-Undip won the National Research Proposal Competition (NRPC) for AMSC! Yes, congratulations to Gendis Sekarnegari and Nadya Azzahra (2012) whose proposal succeeded in achieving the highest score among 13 proposals. It was so close that all proposals were also good.

And the other one is that finally AMSA-Undip got the 1st Runner Up position in the Debate Competition! Congratulations to Frederica Vania, Chandra Manapa, and Mona Galatia (2013)!

All your hard works will never betray you, won’t they?

Proficiat to all of you, guys! AMSA-Undip is so proud of you 😀


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Calling for Submission: Representative AMSA-Undip 2015

Time flies and here we are, at the end of 2014 tenure. It is the time to seek the new Representative who will lead AMSA-Undip in 2015 tenure

Oprec Repre small


All documents needed have been uploaded to AMSA-Undip’s FB Group, read carefully each information and fill the forms thoughtfully 🙂

Are you the next Representative?

Congrats National Team 2014/2015!

It was great having 7 applicants for all National Team fields from AMSA-Undip. Due to tough process of selection and great applicants from other universities, 4 out of 7 applicants from AMSA-Undip werre through. Here they are:

1. Valensa Yosephi (2012) as RnA Team

2. Alicia Sandjaja (2013) as A-Team

3. Helena AK Cantika Prasetyo (2013) as Finance Team

4. Alem Pramudita Wibowo (2013) as AMSEP Team


Congratulations to you! AMSA-Undip is so proud of all 7 applicants for your hard work. Keep doing your best, and keep active in AMSA! 🙂

GM and TT EAMSC 2015

After a long process selection of Group Moderator (GM) and Techincal Team (TT) for the upcoming EAMSC 2015: Indonesia which will be held in Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Tangerang, it is an honor for AMSA-Undip that 4 members of AMSA-Undip were through and will directly help the committee in succeeding EAMSC 2015. Here they are:

1. Helena AK Cantika Prasetyo (2013) — Group Moderator

2. Rizki Rudwi Pradesta (2013) — Group Moderator

3. Adinda Wafdani Putri (2013) — Group Moderator

4. Alicia Sandjaja (2013)Technical Team

Congratulations! AMSA-Undip is so proud of you! Give your best in serving AMSA-Indonesia and the delegates from all over Asia and beyond 🙂

Rapat Besar Awal Tahun



Hello guys! it’s been a while since our last post.

Since new staffs have been recruited, each division can discuss their work plans to make the details.

This Rapat Besar Awal Tahun AMSA-Undip is the meeting in which each Secretary explains all of their work plans so that all members know and understand what AMSA-Undip will do in a year ahead; and to see if there are any critics or suggestions. After work plans agenda, all members also discussed some stuff which is considered to be important, lead by Representative.

There’ll be two others Rapat Besar for the tenure, don’t miss it because these meetings are COMPULSORY or OBLIGATORY for all members batch 2012-2013.


Let’s work together in becoming an excellent organization! 😀

AMSA UNDIP Recruitment is Opened!

yes! we’re opening staff and member recruitment! 😀

but, there’s a difference for different batch. For 2013, only those who have been members since last dec-jan and involved in gathering committee that are allowed to apply as staff. And we don’t open member recruitment anymore for 2013 (sorry!).
whereas for 2012 (and above), the recruitment is available for being both member and staff.

The recruitment is opened until February 28th and the interview will be on the first week. Get the application form, motivation letter guideline, and recruitment guideline from RADIUS or  AMSA AXIS facebook group. See the job description here.
oprec2014 copy

Join our family and let’s make AMSA UNDIP an excellent organization! 🙂

Officially Ended, Officially Elected

Musyawarah Besar was just done! We have received 2013 accountability reports, amended our AD/ART, and also elected the new Representative for 2014  tenure.

Here are the photos when the candidates presented their vision and missions; and their plans if they were chosen as Representative

BgG7Um-CQAAusfDBgG7sSqCcAAMwUqafter Q&A sessions and such strict voice counting, finally we got the result…. And, The Representative of AMSA UNDIP 2014 is



Congratulations to you, hopefully you can bring us to be better and better organization! 🙂

Here is his Vision and Missions for AMSA UNDIP 2014 tenure:
