Hello AMSA troopers!

In less than two weeks, we’re gonna meet our friends from District 4!

Yup! It’s AMSA JOGLOSEMAR “RETROPHORIA”, blast from the past with AMSA!

joglosemar retrophoria logo mini

what makes it exciting and so special? It is that we, AMSA UNDIP, are the host of this event which will be held on May 10th – 12th 2013.

There will be welcoming party, lectures about HIV/AIDS awareness, PCP with SMAN 5 Semarang, city tours, farewell party and we’re gonna have fun with the delegations from AMSA UNS, UGM and UNPALA for sure.

Let’s do our best and make them difficult to leave Semarang! 😉


Hey guys!

We have another AMSA JOGLOSEMAR entitled “AMSA FLARE 2012” that will be held on November 30th – December 2nd at UGM, Jogja!

The event will include:

Welcoming party, lecture, one day outbound, barbeque party, kunjungan panti, and farewell feast \(´▽`)/

Price: IDR 150.000 only! 3D 2N + Flare 2012 T-shirt + certificate + booklet. Isn’t it awesome!

So, register yourself to: Garda (2011), by text/bbm, or drop your name(s) on our Facebook group.

Join the event and let us rock Jogjakarta 😀


CP: Billa (UGM) 087738396365