The Climb: a Charity Concert

Thalassemia is a hereditary trait that makes abnormal structure of hemoglobin in red blood cell. This abnormality makes thalassemia people to have routine blood transfusions for lifetime. It of course costs them a lot, thus AMSA-Undip initiated the idea of making a charity concert, from which the money will be used to help the cost of thalassemia children’s blood transfusion.

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Featuring an International quality performer, Diponegoro University Choir (PSM UNDIP), who just won 3 medals in Italy in September 2014; professional singers from FK UNDIP, Il Medico; and AMSA-Undip talented member who will do ballet dance, absolutely will make your Saturday night memorable and also make thalassemia children’s life better. So what are you waiting for? Text Auliya (0812 8532 5446) and get your ticket! 😉

AMSA Academy

AMSA Academy, a new work plan of 2014 tenure, was held on April 27th 2014. It consisted of two main activities: lectures and post-test, just like expected from the event’s name. Opened by forewords from Chief Committee (Alicia, 2013), Representative, and President of Student Council (Atika, 2011), first lecture about AMSA local by Rio (2012) then begun. This first session elaborated district supervisor, local events, and AMSA-Undip with its achievements. The second session about AMSA-Indonesia was brought by RC of AMSA-Indonesia 2013/2014, Garda (2011), explaining the details about the organization and also the national events. The last session of lecture explained about AMSA International activities by Sarah (2011) , such as EAMSC, AMSC, and AMSEP.

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After the knowledge about AMSA given to the participants, then it was the time to test how well they listened and how much their AMSA-knowledge expanded. The post-test carried out by doing some games or you can call it outbound, instead of doing paper based exam. It was divided into 3 stations: twister, replacing balls, and arranging organogram.


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The sun was already above heads when the outbound finished, then it was time for lunch. After lunch, a kind of “bonus game” was held. It was “Ranking 1” game, to give participants extra scores for their diplomas. Not only for participants, but the Executive Board of AMSA-Undip was also tested in front of members. It was quite fun to see them confused answering questions asked by Sarah (2011).

The event then closed by announcing the best Academy student then handing out diplomas to all participants. Congratulations for graduating AMSA Academy, and welcome to AMSA world! 🙂

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Rapat Besar Awal Tahun



Hello guys! it’s been a while since our last post.

Since new staffs have been recruited, each division can discuss their work plans to make the details.

This Rapat Besar Awal Tahun AMSA-Undip is the meeting in which each Secretary explains all of their work plans so that all members know and understand what AMSA-Undip will do in a year ahead; and to see if there are any critics or suggestions. After work plans agenda, all members also discussed some stuff which is considered to be important, lead by Representative.

There’ll be two others Rapat Besar for the tenure, don’t miss it because these meetings are COMPULSORY or OBLIGATORY for all members batch 2012-2013.


Let’s work together in becoming an excellent organization! 😀

Acacia Festiva, Welcome 2014 tenure!

Started with an idea of making makrab, this inauguration event then was decided. Yes, it is an inauguration for the new executive board (EB) and members of AMSA-Undip 2014. The new members were assigned to be the committee for the “fun side” of the event, while the main part of the event was taken care by new EB and AB of AMSA-Undip. Why were new members assigned? To make them know their own friends, to make a solid team, to introduce them to the seniors, and as an orientation of how busy AMSA can be.

ACACIA FESTIVA started with welcome speech from the chief of committee and representative of AMSA-Undip , then followed by introduction of all new members. After break time for shalat and snack, ice breaking games: AMSA World Record which consisted of two games had been ready.  First game was named “singing phrase” which needed seven people. One of them had to guess who was drawn by other players. Then the second game had Garda to carry Peachy—the new General Secretary of AMSA-Undip—on his back. It succeeded making us tired because of laughing.


The real game was just about to begin, “Run, AMSA, Run”. Can you guess? Yes, it was just like Running Man. All participants were divided into 6 groups with the final task was to find mineral water bottles with a letter written on each of it. The winner was the group who made it to arrange “ACACIA FESTIVA” from the bottles. What made it crazy was the participants were allowed to steal bottles from others. A really brutal fight was happened. Really happened. Much of blood was shed that night, on FK UNDIP campus.

A decade had past (hyperbole, of course), finally the game ended. Everyone didn’t care anymore who won because they were tired, even too tired to eat the dinner given by the committee. After catching breath and having dinner, serious part of the event started. The new EB was inaugurated by Ex-Representative, Sarah (2011) as AB, while the new staff and member by new Representative, Rio (2012). See the World in Perfect Harmony, the official song of AMSA also sung after the ceremony done. ACACIA FESTIVA then ended with a video and some confetti by new members.



It was a great night, brutal yet amazing! Lots of thanks to Jonathan Jose (2013) as Chief Committee of ACACIA FESTIVA 🙂


Welcome batch 2013 to AMSA! AMSA-Undip loves you! 🙂

Diabetes Day

On November 9th 2013, AMSA-Undip held a social act which are blood tension & blood glucose check up and counseling about diabetes mellitus in Tlogosari Wetan village regarding the World Diabetes Day on November 14th.


The mass counselling was given by dr. Darmawati Ayu (staff of Physiology Department, Diponegoro University Faculty of Medicine).

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it’s always fun to serve the community, isn’t it? 😉

AMSA UNDIP Internship

AMSA UNDIP, which is one of institutional bodies (BK) under External Relation Division of Student Council, holds one day internship as a part of MAGA 2013. In this internship, which will be held on Thursday, November 7th 2013, there’ll be a further introduction about AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA UNDIP. There’ll be also activities that represent what we work on, so that participants will have an outline about things they’ll do once they become AMSA members.


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Like people said, how can you love something if you don’t know well about them? So come and experience AMSA by yourself! 😉