
National Events

National events of AMSA-Indonesia are held annually and hosted alternately by AMSA members who win the bidding in Rakernas and NLT. There are 5 AMSA-Indonesia’s national events :

Rapat Kerja Nasional (Rakernas)

The event held to mark the beginning of the Regional Chairperson’s tenure. During this National Work Plan Meeting, the newly formed Executive Board will be officially inaugurated and the Regional Chairperson will seek the approval of his work plan for the tenure. There’ll be also an agenda called “bidding” to decide which AMSA-Indonesia members to hold the other 4 national events in the tenure.

National Action Event (NAE) + Debate Competition

An event that lets AMSA Indonesia carry out social acts as part of AMSA’s “action” philosophy and furthermore, an annual debate competition will be held to train members of their critical thinking skills and english skills.

Indonesian Medical Students’ Training and Competition (IMSTC)

An event held to uphold AMSA’s “knowledge” philosophy. During the event there will be academic based activities such as training to make scientific papers and posters. On top of that, academic competitions are also held.

National Leadership Training (NLT)

An event that will enhance the members’ leadership, teamwork and communication skills as they undergo training. Also, this is event acts as a gathering for AMSA-Indonesia members. The bidding for the upcoming Rakernas is held in this event.

Musyawarah Nasional (Munas)

An event that marks the end of the Regional Chairperson’s tenure which includes the approval of his evaluation report from his tenure. National Meeting will also hold the election for the next Regional Chairperson and his/her inauguration.



International Events

There are 2 conferences held annually by AMSA-International hosted by AMSA members. They are:

Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC)

The Asian Medical Students’ Conference is an annual conference of the Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA International) that involves the participation of hundreds of medical students from as many as 20 local chapters around the Asia-Pacific region. It comprises of three main aspects: academic, cultural and social programs. The conference is held annually in the middle of each year (late June to July period) , and is hosted by a local AMSA chapter in one of their main cities.

East Asian Medical Students’ Conference (EAMSC)

The East Asian Medical Students’ Conference is an annual conference hosted by various cities around East Asia. At it’s inception, it aimed inspire delegates to become active in the amelioration of global healthcare problems through networking with other medical students from the East Asian region. More recently, it has expanded to involve delegates from all AMSA-International chapters allowing the exchange of ideas, knowledge and cultural understanding. The conference is held annually in the end or beginning of each year (winter season).


Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program (AMSEP)

AMSEP creates opportunities for the International preclinical and clinical exchanges between AMSA chapters. It is commonly a 7-day program and the capacity is reserved for 10 delegates. The program varies in every exchange, depending on the hosting country; but every program should contain at least the following aspects: academic activity, social activity, cultural exchange, and city tour. This program, therefore, fulfills the whole AMSA visions—Knowledge, Action, and Friendship—in a distinct way.

The chapters that are involved in AMSEP including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Australia, and Egypt.



For further information about national and international programs, kindly check or

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